
Friday, 14 February 2014

Winter: Time to welcome some unwanted guests

It is almost the end of autumn and many places in Australia are already experiencing the winter winds. In addition, with the winter comes some unwanted pests but almost all of us forget to put any pest barriers. However, if you are looking for a trusted pest control company that can help you in preventing pests from entering your premises, then Home Termite Control, Sydney should be your ultimate choice. 

Termite Control Sydney Most people have this notion that pest invasion drops as the temperature drops. That is incorrect as only some pests attack during the winters. They believe that pests like ants and insects attack mostly during the springs and summer. However, the truth is the merely attack during winters. Pests and rodents like rats, mice, wasps, black ants enter homes during winter in search of food and warmth or shelter. According to Home Termite Control, you can do the following to prevent pest and rodent infestation.

They are:

Make use of steel wool and/or caulk to seal holes and cracks that are present on the outside of any structure. Make sure you seal all the holes and stop rodents from entering.

Installing door sweeps on the doors that are on the exterior is a good idea. Also, replace any damaged screens.

It is important to keep your entire house dry and properly ventilated especially your basement and attic. 

Make sure that your daily garbage is disposed properly every day and store food and cereals in airtight containers.

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